On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act) went into effect. Claire Taylor explains that the Act provides new payroll provisions offer relief for employers who continue to pay their employees even though the employer has been required to fully or partially shut down
StokesLaw™ Briefs
On March 23, 2020, Governor Inslee issued his Stay Home—Stay Healthy Order. Aviva Kamm and Krista Slosburg explain that the Order prohibits all non-essential businesses in Washington State from conducting business, with limited exceptions.
Krista Slosburg summarizes the emergency measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they impact employers.
Aviva Kamm and Dustin Yeager outline steps agriculture employers should take to keep operations running during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 18, 2020, the President signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, HR 6201, in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Aviva Kamm provides a summary of key points for employers to consider in business planning and compliance in the weeks and months to come.
With COVID-19 spreading globally and Western Washington seemingly at the center of the United States' outbreak, an increasing number of employers are asking how they can best protect their employees and their business. Krista Slosburg answers some of the most common questions.