Paying piece rate may cost you more than you think. The Washington Supreme Court will rule on whether agricultural employers must separately pay piece rate workers for rest breaks. The answer may result in substantial back pay claims for piece rate workers. Sarah Wixson explains five things agricultural employers should do now.
Tom Lerner authored this article, which appeared in the July/August 2014 issue of the King County Medical Society Bulletin.
While enforcement of the "employer mandate"? under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been delayed until 2015, employers are required to send notice to employees by October 1, 2013.
Kelby Fletcher reviews recent appellate developments in Washington state employment law.
Justo Gonzalez and Aviva Kamm outline some of the most common employment litigation claims.
Kelby Fletcher explains how the National Labor Relations Act reaches all employers, not just those facing unionization and collective bargaining.