Alison Warden and Katie Groblewski provide several important updates regarding estate planning and probate matters during the COVID-19 crisis.
StokesLaw™ Briefs
Ray Weber answers the question of whether businesses are covered during the COVID-19 crisis.
The guidance from the state and local governments to shut down many local businesses has landlords worried about financial viability of their retail assets. Serena Sayani answers the question of whether a landlord rely on force majeure to discharge its obligations under a lease with respect to co-tenancy requirements.
On March 23, 2020, Governor Inslee issued his Stay Home—Stay Healthy Order. Aviva Kamm and Krista Slosburg explain that the Order prohibits all non-essential businesses in Washington State from conducting business, with limited exceptions.
The guidance from the State of Washington (and other state and local governments) to work from home or shut down many local businesses has caused ripple effects on contract performance and enforcement from the inability to pay rent under leases, to the slow down or halt in construction activities and the failure to meet financial targets for lease-up and investment returns. Eric Robinson and Serena Sayani discuss whether the "force majeure" clause the answer.
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDLs) are available through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for eligible small businesses, private nonprofit organizations, and small agricultural cooperatives. Dustin Yeager provides details.